CaHaي TiNت

" Ku meNuju ke semua tempat berbekalkan sebataNg tiNت
bertujuaN uNtuk meNuLis iLmu yaNg baru ku perOLehi.

BukaN haNya uNtuk meNgingatkaNku tatkaLa ku aLpa,
tetapi juga sebagai iLmu kepada yaNg baru membacaNya.
ItuLah NamaNya Cahaي Tinت"
Cerpen Sahabat Sejati
dihantar oleh : pejai

Hayati mengemas pakaiannya ke dalam "back-pack"nya, sementara menunggu laptopnya "turn-off". Kemudian, dia memperosokkan sahaja laptopnya ke dalam "back-pack"nya. Zuraida, teman sebilik Hayati memasuki bilik sambil membawa secawan kopi yang baunya semerbak sehingga memenuhi atmosfera bilik mereka.

"Awak tak tido umah malam ni ke?" tanya Zuraida.
Hayati sudah mengagak pertanyaan tersebut, lalu tersengih sahaja.

"Huhu.. Sedihnya saya tinggal sorang-sorang lagi dalam bilik malam ni, tak de orang nak tolong segarkan saya kalau mengantuk masa study," Zuraida merengek.

Hayati memakai tudungnya, sambil meniup-niup bucu tudungnya supaya kemas. "Alah awak ni, tiada keupayaan dan tiada kekuatan melainkan dengan Allah. Doa la banyak-banyak supaya Allah segarkan awak. Kadang-kadang, saya ni menggalakkan awak tido lagi ade lah."
Zuraida mencebik. "Awak tido rumah sape pulak malam ni?"

"Rumah, err.. rumah.. Huda." Hayati teragak-agak ingin menyebut nama Huda, kerana ini merupakan kali ke 3 dalam minggu itu Hayati bermalam di rumah Huda. Huda merupakan junior kepada Hayati, dia merupakan seorang muslimah yan gmempunyai keperibadian yang tulus, walaupun masih belum memahami tanggungjawab dakwah dan masih belum memahami sepenuhnya erti islam yang syumul.

Sejak Huda baru sampai ke bumi "Down Under" ini, Hayati telah pun menjalinkan hubungan akrab dengannya. Maklumlah, sayanglah sekiranya jiwa yang baik disia-siakan potensinya.
"Awak nak ikut, Zuraida?" Hayati cuba menghangatkan suasana.
Muka Zuraida terus berubah ceria, "Boleh juga!"

Walaubagaimanapun, ada konflik yang berlaku di dalam diri Hayati, dia dapati dalam dia memenangi hati mad’unya, kadang-kadang dia terasakan seperti mengabaikan hak sahabat-sahabatnya yang lain. Walaupun begitu, sahabat-sahabat serumahnya sangat "supportive", dan sering memberi kata perangsang, serta ada kalanya sekiranya Hayati tidak sempat melaksanakan tugas mengikut "duty roster" rumah, pasti ada sahabatnya yang lain akan membantunya, terutama sekali Zuraida.

"Tunggu saya kemas barang saya kejap ye!" kelam kabut Zuraida meletakkan cawan kopinya dan terus mengemas barang serta menyalin pakaiannya.
Hayati dan Zuraida berjalan menuju ke stesen bas.
Zuraida melihat jadual bas, "Pukul 5.30 p.m baru bas sampai, sekarang baru pukul 5.15 p.m"
Hayati mengangguk, "Tak pe lah, kita dok sini dulu sembang-sembang"
Zuraida sengih lagi.

"Awak tau tak…" Zuraida memulakan bicara.
"Tak tau, hehe" Hayati berlawak.
"Tak pe lah.. tak jadi bagitau la kalau cam tu.." Zuraida terus merajuk.
"Alah, awak ni.. Saya gurau je.." Hayati cuba memujuk.

Zuraida memaksa dirinya untuk senyum kembali. Entah mengapa, sejak akhir-akhir ini, dia sangat mudah terasa dengan Hayati. Jauh di lubuk hatinya, Hayati merupakan sahabat yang paling dia sayang di kalangan sahabat-sahabat serumahnya. Mungkin kerana itu dia mudah terasa dengan setiap tindak-tanduk Hayati. Namun begitu, Zuraida merupakan orang yang pandai menyembunyikan emosi di sebalik senyumannya yang kelihatan tenang.

semua hati manusia adalah putih pada awalnya

"Awak tau tak, dalam banyak-banyak kawan kita.. Awak la yang paling saya….." belum sempat Zuraida menghabiskan ayatnya, tiba-tiba kedengaran bunyi hon dengan suatu suara kuat.

"Assalamualaikum.. Nak pegi mana tu?" Rupa-rupanya Sufiah. Sufiah "pull-over" kereta kecilnya yang berwarna merah. "Hayati, Zuraida.. Naiklah kereta saye ni. Tak sudi ke naik kereta buruk ni"
"Kami nak ke North Melbourne, are you heading that way as well?" tanya Hayati.

Zuraida yang belum sempat menghabiskan ayatnya, terkejut dengan kedatangan Sufiah. Zuraida tergelak kecil di dalam hatinya, dia terbayangkan Sufiah ibarat Mr Bean yang memandu kereta kumbang. Perbualannya dengan Hayati termati begitu sahaja.

"Come in, come in. Have a ride. I’m heading to Docklands. Boleh drop korang kat North Melbourne." Kata Sufiah.

Dalam kereta, Sufiah memasang lagu UNIC, Sahabat Sejati. Zuraida yang duduk di belakang tiba-tiba membuka bicara, "Yati, ni lagu untuk awak." Hayati senyum, "Terima Kasih". Sufiah pula mencelah, "Saya ni tak de orang nak dedicate lagu ke?". Ketiga-tiga orang sahabat tersebut tertawa.

Zuraidah memandang Hayati yang sibuk berceloteh bersama Sufiah. Zuraida mengalihkan pandangannya ke luar. Lagu terus berkumandang,

"Ku biarkan pena menulis
Meluahkan hasrat di hati
Moga terubat segala
Keresahan di jiwa
Tak pernah ku ingini"

Mungkin Hayati tidak mendapat mesej yang ingin disampaikan oleh Zuraida.

Zuraida sangat bersyukur kepada Allah, kerana mengurniakan seorang sahabat yang mempunyai semangat juang yang tinggi. Hayati merupakan sahabat fillah yang pertama yang Zuraida kenali. Hayati banyak memberi sokongan kepada Zuraida di dalam pelajaran, maklumlah Hayati pelajar yang cepat tangkap pelajaran. Namun begitu, sejak mereka melangkah ke tahun dua universiti, dan sejak mereka menerima kedatangan adik-adik baru, mereka jarang dapat menghabiskan masa bersama sepertimana dahulu. Zuraida sangat khuatir sekiranya dia ketinggalan, dari segi pelajaran, dari segi dakwah, dari segi tarbiyah, dari segi bilangan mad’u, dari segi segala segi.

Zuraida terus memerhatikan Hayati, ditenungnya sahabat itu puas-puas dan berdoa di dalam hatinya, "Ya Allah terimalah segala amal sahabat ku ini, dan ikhlaskan dia. Dan kuatkan dia sekira dia berasa lemah, dan ikhlaskan dia tatkala dia mengharapkan sesuatu selain Engkau"

Tiba-tiba, Zuraida terasa hatinya sangat lapang. Inilah yang dia mahu rasakan, selama ini perasaannya risau, sedih, bercampur-baur apabila Hayati sudah jarang bersamanya.

Benarlah seperti nasihat Kak Elin, "sekiranya kita ada rasa berat hati dengan seseorang, kita segera doakan kebaikan untuk dia, insya-Allah, syaitan yang cuba hasut kita tu akan lari lintang pukang. Dan malaikat pula akan mendoakan perkara yang sama untuk kita."

Ini membuatkan Zuraida tersedar, bahawa kebergantungan yang mutlak itu terletak pada Allah. Dan sekiranya seorang insan itu tidak diberi penghargaan, dia tetap menjadi seperti pokok. Pokok yang menurunkan buah apabila dibaling batu.

Zuraida mahu berlari seperti orang lain, berlari menuju jannah insya-Allah, sama-sama tabah dan kuat dalam membawa risalah perjuangan anbiya’. Tapi, kadang-kadang, dia letih. Kerana lupa mengukur kapasiti diri. Mungkin kerana terlupa, Allah melihat usaha seseorang, dan bukan natijahnya.
Tapi, menjadi kebiasaan manusia. Sangat mengharapkan hasil positif di depan mata.
Zuraida terkenangkan Nabi Nuh, kisah dakwahnya di dalam Al Quran. Di dalam surah Nuh, Nabi Nuh merintih kepada Allah, beratus-ratus tahun, pagi sehingga malam menyeru kaumnya, tetapi hasilnya, hanya menyebabkan kaumnya semakin jauh daripada Allah.

"Ah, masakan aku yang baru setahun jagung dalam dakwah ini, mudah sangat putus asa ," getus Zuraidah dalam hati.
Hayati melihat "rear-view mirror", ternampak muka Zuraida yang serius.
Hayati membisikkan sesuatu kepada Sufiah, dan Hayati membawa keluar "handphone"nya.

Hayati menaip sms, "Salam, Huda. Maaf akak tak jadi ke rumah awak malam ni. Ada hal sikit. Nanti akak hantar pengganti akak pergi umah awak ye, hehe."
Sufiah membuat "announcement", "Baiklah, kita dah sampai Docklands. Selamat makan aiskrim Dairy Bell, jangan lupa saya."

Zuraida tercengang, Hayati turun dari kereta dan membuka pintu belakang, lalu menarik tangan Zuraida. Zuraida tercengang, "Eh, tadi Sufiah kata dia yang nak ke Docklands." Sufiah terus memecut laju ke destinasi barunya. Kereta kecil merahnya berderum hebat.
"Jom la kita makan aiskrim sama-sama. Dah lama tak "outing" berdua," Hayati mengajak Zuraida.

Zuraida akur sahaja. Dia terasa pelik, kenapa tiba-tiba Hayati tidak jadi pergi ke rumah Huda.

Hayati membeli aiskrim Chocolate Chips, dan mengambil 2 batang sudu kayu, "Jom dok kat tepi jeti tu.."

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Hayati mula bicara, "Tadi kat stesen bas, awak nak cakap sesuatu kan…."
Zuraida tersenyum sahaja.
Hayati bicara lagi, "Awak tak boleh tipu saya dengan senyum tenang awak nih…."

Zuraida tersenyum lagi. Tapi, senyuman itu diikuti dengan air mata.

"Tadi saya nak cakap lain, tapi sekarang Allah ilhamkan saya untuk cakap sesuatu yang lain kepada awak," kata Zuraida, matanya berkaca-kaca.
Hayati mengangguk, "Cakaplah.."
"Kalau awak nak masuk jannah, jangan tinggalkan saya." Zuraida berkata sambil menahan air matanya yang semakin laju.

Hayati sangat terharu. Dia tidak pernah terbayangkan bahawa ada orang yang akan berkata begitu kepadanya, Hayati tak tahu nak respon macam mana, sedangkan dia sendiri pun terhuyung-hayang dalam perjalanan mencari syurga Allah.

Maksud sepotong ayat Al Quran, " Di hari akhirat, terputus segala perhubungan kecuali orang-orang bertaqwa. " Sungguh mudah untuk bercakap soal ukhuwah islamiyah. Namun nak menzahirkannya payah, apatah lagi hendak mengukuhkannya di dalam hati.

"Saya tahu Allah beri awak banyak kelebihan berbanding saya, moga Allah melindungi saya daripada hasad dan dengki, dan moga Allah menjauhkan awak daripada ‘ujub dan riya’ ," Zuraidah menghela nafas panjang. Aiskrim Chocolate Chips tidak mampu menarik seleranya.
Hayati terpaku. Dia seakan-akan dapat membaca apa yang dirasai oleh kawannya. Benarlah seperti apa yang dia rasai selama ini, tindak-tanduknya yang banyak mengabaikan hak-hak sahabat-sahabatnya mampu mengundang virus ukhuwah.

"Saya nak minta maaf atas salah silap saya. Saya tau saya banyak tinggalkan awak sorang-sorang. I am lost myself. Kononnya keluar berdakwah tapi, banyak yang lain pula saya abaikan," Hayati mula meluahkan isi hatinya.

Zuraidah berkata, "Saya pun minta maaf, asyik kadang cebik muka. Tapi, tak perlu lah kita mengungkit salah silap kita yang dahulu. Apa yang sudah tu sudah.."
Hayati menyambung, "Betul? Kosong-kosong!"
Zuraidah pula berkatai, "Kosong-kosong!"

"Insya-Allah, kita akan saling mengigatkan. Time kena study, kita pulun habis-habisan. Time kena keluar berdakwah, kita mujahadah sehabis baik, jaga amal fardi.. Kejutkan qiyam, ingatkan supaya puasa sunat!" Hayati mula meng"list-out" perjanjian di antara mereka.

"Kena tunai hak pada semua pihak yang ada hak ke atas kita, kena berlapang dada dan menerima setiap sahabat kita seadanya, saling memperingatkan, walau kita "fastabiqul khairat", mudah-mudahan ada persaingan sihat.. dan last sekali …outing kat charcoal chicken dengan geng rumah dua minggu sekali, hehe.." Zuraida menyambung.

"Lillahi ta’ala!" Zuraida dan Hayati menyebut kalimah "kerana Allah ta’ala" serentak. Mereka tersenyum sesama sendiri.

"Jom makan aiskrim ni dah cair!!" Zuraida menyogok sesudu aiskrim kepada Hayati.
"Hehe.." Hayati tergelak kecil.
"Er… kita nak tido mana ye malam ni?" Zuraida bertanya.
"Hehe.. tak pe, kita tido kat bilik kita yang best tu lah… Sufiah tido kat umah Huda, insya-Allah" jawab Hayati. Zuraida terbayang Sufiah bersama kereta merahnya menuju ke rumah Huda. Sufiah memang seorang sahabat yang "sporting" dan lucu.

Kedua-dua sahabat itu tersenyum. Moga Allah memberkati persahabatan mereka, dan meneguhkan hati-hati mereka di atas jalan dakwah hingga bertemu denganNya. Itulah doa mereka berdua.
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Tips For A Special Relationship

Friendship is a most beautiful thing happened to human being. We all meet some people with whom we never had a kinship, but they become so special in our life that it becomes hard to live without them. Let us see some points we should consider while playing a role in friendship. Many poets have described friendship as one of the most fascinating bond we ever make in our life. It's the most beautiful thing that happens to us.

Friendship is a relation that is entirely based on trust, belief of two friends in each other. We come across many things in our lives, about which we do not tell anything to people near and dear to us, but we freely tell everything to our friends. Many people find good friends but they fail to continue with their friendship, because they do not know their role as a friend.

Let us see some important points that we should take care of if we wish to be good friend for someone:

Be a secrete admirer of your friend:
If your friend is good at something then do not praise him/her in his/her presence. Praising a person for what he/she is good, does not improve his/her qualities, but can cause over-confidence to be induced in him/her, which surely will be harmful for your friend. A good friend should never miss an opportunity to praise his/her friend in front of others when he/she is not around.

Don't proved him/her wrong in public:
As it is important not to praise a friend openly in his/her presence, it is also very much important to abstain from proving him/her wrong in front of other people. Take him/her away from the crowd and let him/her know where he/she is wrong. There is no point in proving your friend wrong in other's presence; it will spoil your friend's image in other's view. And additionally your friendship will be in danger.

Try to understand your friend:
It is always important to understand what your friend is worried about or what problems he/she is facing. Always try to understand the situation your friend is in and try to soothe him/her. It is evident that if people are undergoing some problems, they will not speak up their problems to their brothers or sisters, they will instead tell everything to their friends. Let your friend speak up, just listen to him/her and be with him/her until your friend does not come out of frustration.

Pull Your Friend Away From Making Mistakes:

If your friend is doing something wrong, it is your duty to let him/her know it at earliest. Keep in mind; best friend has to play a role of critic if he/she wants his/her friend to stop doing wrong things. But again keep in mind not to show your friends mistakes in front of other people. Sometimes it is important to understand your friend's intentions behind his/her actions and try to analyze situation, then only you should give your opinion.

The Ego Problem:
Never let ego spoil your friendship. It is no reason to be jealous if your friend is not at all able to speak to you and is with someone else, you have to be his/her friend, do not expect word of gratitude from the person you think is your friend. Sometimes there could be a clash between you and your friend, and you both stop talking to each other for some time, it is not at all wrong to speak first and say sorry to your friend, no matter what happens.

Try to Teach Good Things:
If you are a true friend, you should never give your hungry friend a fish, instead, you should teach him/her how to fish, this will give your friend food for lifetime. A good friend will never wish his/her friend to be dependent on someone.

Do Not Interfere:
Most important point that one should take care of is that your friend has his/her own life and you should not interfere in his/her life. You have a right to tell your friend what is good and what is bad, but you do not have a right to make someone do what you wish. Hope this will help you out solve some of your problems you are facing in friendship.

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Journalism became significant during world war. Audiences really needed journalist to disseminate information quickly and fast. They assumed all the news was true and they were really relying on them. At that time, journalist was the gatekeeper of information. However, new advanced technology had changed the journalist’s function. Audience began to be the gatekeeper during the emergence of printed media. If they were not satisfied with the news, they could send complaint letter to the editor hoping for publish. Yet the problem is the possibility to be published or aired is not sure. The emergence of digital world, make the opportunity to express opinion is wider.

The internet and World Wide Web give big opportunity to audiences to involve in journalism. There are many tools that can be used in the internet for them disseminating information and knowledge to the whole world. Audiences now can be journalists easily; they can use website, blog, wikipedia, You Tube, iReport and Citizen Journalist. Furthermore, it is easy to hide behind the anonymity afforded by the medium of Internet. So, they can write anything they want, they can write chain letters or to defraud, threaten or stalk people in Internet.

Wikipedia is more likely as free encyclopedia. It functions just like dictionary, and it is multilingual. Generally, audiences will write definition about something. And then follow by anything related to the words or phrases. They can write anything they want, depends on their knowledge. However, this wikipedia can be changed or renewed by anyone who may think they have more knowledge. Here, we have to be careful because all the information is unreliable. Audiences as the gatekeeper, sometimes is dangerous to us because they will give wrong information and wrong facts.

You Tube is one tool that permits audiences to send their video, any video which they like. We can watch any current news that not aired in radio or television. Usually, incidents happen at the rural and isolated area. Even though it gives opportunity to us publish any video we have, it can give bad impact to us. For example, controversy video about a boy sang “Lagu Negaraku” and he changed the song. This matter had surprised Malaysia and made Malaysians felt angry and offended.

Since 1999, the blog has become a pervasive communication and information-sharing Internet-based tool in certain segments of our society. Within education, it is becoming much more widely used and will continue to expand rapidly as instructors learn about its adaptability for the classroom. Not only will an ever-increasing number of individuals likely use blogs in the instructional process, everyone in this world will use blogs. Blogs can be seen as the next generation of newsgroups where peer-to-peer communication can occur.

Since 2001, bloggers have blogged more on politics. One of the reasons for this could be because of the need for personal opinions on issues such as 11 September attacks. At that time, radio and television were not used effectively as citizens needed current news from time to time. Thus, Internet becomes the most accessible medium to get news because of bloggers can provide up-to-the-minute news stories, before mainstream media follow and elaborate. Blogs can bring key information to public light, with mainstream media having to follow their lead. Because of complex blogging tools and mobile computing being available, blogs can be published almost instantaneously as news happens. Thus, more news can be published in a quicker way.

Starting in 2004, more people are able to write blogs because more sophisticated yet easy to use blogging software has emerged. For example, vivid accounts of 2004 Tsunami victims are found mostly on blogs rather than on mainstream media. Blogs can uncover issues that mainstream media miss or hide intentionally. For instance, the authenticity of documents critical of George W. Bush’s National Guard service was questioned by a person nicknamed “Buckhead” and other people started to link the issue, including a reporter named Matt Drudge. Drudge then produced the “Drudge Report” which was aired on CBS. After that, ABC disputed the credibility of the accusations causing something of a scandal. This advantage makes public trust blog more than formal.

So, it is good when audiences can be the gatekeeper in this digital age instead of the journalist themselves. However, they should consider what they really want when sending information to people around the world.

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Untuk menjawab persoalan ini, mari kita ikuti satu kisah benar yang terjadi di antara seorang pemuda Muslim dan seorang paderi Katolik. Kisah ini menyimpan banyak rahsia besar. Rahsia yang menyingkap apakah silibus yang diajar kepada setiap paderi Katolik di Vatikan. Dan apakah fungsi Al-Quran di dalam altar khas di Perpustakaan Vatikan. Ada seorang pemuda Arab yang baru saja menyelesaikan pengajiannya di Amerika. Pemuda ini adalah salah seorang yang diberi nikmat oleh Allah berupa pendidikan agama Islam bahkan dia mampu mendalaminya. Selain belajar, dia juga seorang juru dakwah Islam. Ketika berada di Amerika, dia berkenalan dengan salah seorang Nasrani. Hubungan mereka semakin akrab, dengan harapan semoga Allah s.w.t. memberinya hidayah masuk Islam. Pada suatu hari mereka berdua berjalan-jalan di sebuah perkampungan di Amerika dan melintas dekat sebuah gereja yang terdapat di kampung tersebut. Temannya itu meminta agar dia turut masuk ke dalam gereja. Mula-mula dia keberatan, namun kerana desakan akhirnya pemuda itu pun memenuhi permintaannya lalu ikut masuk ke dalam gereja dan duduk di salah satu bangku dengan hening, sebagaimana kebiasaan mereka. Ketika paderi masuk, mereka serentak berdiri untuk memberikan penghormatan lantas kembali duduk. Di saat itu, si paderi agak terbeliak ketika melihat kepada para hadirin dan berkata, "Di tengah kita ada seorang Muslim. Aku harap dia keluar dari sini." Pemuda Arab itu tidak bergerak dari tempatnya. Paderi tersebut mengucapkan perkataan itu berkali-kali, namun dia tetap tidak bergerak dari tempatnya. Hingga akhirnya paderi itu berkata, "Aku minta dia keluar dari sini dan aku menjamin keselamatannya." Barulah pemuda ini beranjak keluar. Di ambang pintu, pemuda bertanya kepada sang paderi, "Bagaimana anda tahu bahwa saya seorang Muslim?" Paderi itu menjawab, "Dari tanda yang terdapat di wajahmu." Kemudian dia beranjak hendak keluar.Namun, paderi ingin memanfaatkan keberadaan pemuda ini dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan, tujuannya untuk memalukan pemuda tersebut dan sekaligus mengukuhkan agamanya. Pemuda Muslim itupun menerima tentangan debat tersebut. Paderi berkata, "Aku akan mengajukan kepada anda 22 pertanyaan dan anda harus menjawabnya dengan tepat." Si pemuda tersenyum dan berkata, "Silakan!" Sang paderi pun mulai bertanya, "Sebutkan satu yang tiada duanya, dua yang tiada tiganya, tiga yang tiada empatnya, empat yang tiada limanya, lima yang tiada enamnya, enam yang tiada tujuhnya, tujuh yang tiada lapannya, lapan yang tiada sembilannya, sembilan yang tiada sepuluhnya, sesuatu yang tidak lebih dari sepuluh, sebelas yang tiada dua belasnya, dua belas yang tiada tiga belasnya, tiga belas yang tiada empat belasnya." "Sebutkan sesuatu yang dapat bernafas namun tidak mempunyai ruh!""Apa yang dimaksud dengan kuburan berjalan membawa isinya?""Siapakah yang berdusta namun masuk ke dalam syurga?" "Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah namun Dia tidak menyukainya?""Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dengan tanpa ayah dan ibu!" "Siapakah yang tercipta dari api, siapakah yang diazab dengan api dan siapakah yang terpelihara dari api?""Siapakah yang tercipta dari batu, siapakah yang diazab dengan batu dan siapakah yang terpelihara dari batu?" "Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dan dianggap besar!""Pohon apakah yang mempunyai 12 ranting, setiap ranting mempunyai 30 daun, setiap daun mempunyai 5 buah, 3 di bawah naungan dan dua di bawah sinaran matahari?" Mendengar pertanyaan tersebut, pemuda itu tersenyum dengan keyakinan kepada Allah. Setelah membaca Bismillah dia berkata, -Satu yang tiada duanya ialah Allah s.w.t.. -Dua yang tiada tiganya ialah Malam dan Siang. Allah s.w.t. Berfirman, "Dan Kami jadikan malam Dan siang sebagai dua tanda (kebesaran kami)." (Al-Isra': 12). -Tiga yang tiada empatnya adalah kesilapan yang dilakukan Nabi Musa ketika Khidir menenggelamkan sampan, membunuh seorang anak kecil dan ketika menegakkan kembali dinding yang hampir roboh. -Empat yang tiada limanya adalah Taurat, Injil, Zabur dan al-Qur'an. -Lima yang tiada enamnya ialah solat lima waktu. -Enam yang tiada tujuhnya ialah jumlah hari ketika Allah s.w.t. menciptakan makhluk. -Tujuh yang tiada lapannya ialah langit yang tujuh lapis. Allah s.w.t. Berfirman, "Yang telah menciptakan tujuh langit berlapis-lapis. Kamu sekali-kali tidak melihat pada ciptaan Rabb Yang Maha Pemurah sesuatu yang tidak seimbang." (Al-Mulk: 3). -Lapan yang tiada sembilannya ialah Malaikat pemikul Arsy Ar-Rahman. Allah s.w.t. Berfirman, "Dan malaikat-malaikat berada di penjuru-penjuru langit. Dan pada Hari itu lapan orang malaikat menjunjung 'Arsy Rabbmu di atas (kepala) mereka." (Al-Haqah: 17). -Sembilan yang tiada sepuluhnya adalah mu'jizat yang diberikan kepada Nabi Musa yaitu: tongkat, tangan yang bercahaya, angin topan, musim paceklik, katak, darah, kutu Dan belalang. -Sesuatu yang tidak lebih dari sepuluh ialah kebaikan. Allah s.w.t. Berfirman, "Barang siapa yang berbuat kebaikan maka untuknya sepuluh kali lipat." (Al-An'am: 160). -Sebelas yang tiada dua belasnya ialah jumlah Saudara-Saudara Nabi Yusuf. -Dua belas yang tiada tiga belasnya ialah Mu'jizat Nabi Musa yang terdapat dalam firman Allah, "Dan (ingatlah) ketika Musa memohon air untuk kaumnya, lalu Kami berfirman, "Pukullah batu itu dengan tongkatmu." Lalu memancarlah daripadanya dua belas Mata air." (Al-Baqarah: 60). -Tiga belas yang tiada empat belasnya ialah jumlah Saudara Nabi Yusuf ditambah dengan ayah dan ibunya. -Adapun sesuatu yang bernafas namun tidak mempunyai ruh adalah waktu Subuh. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Dan waktu subuh apabila fajarnya mulai menyingsing. " (At-Takwir: 18). -Kuburan yang membawa isinya adalah ikan yang menelan Nabi Yunus AS. -Mereka yang berdusta namun masuk kedalam surga adalah saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf, yakni ketika mereka berkata kepada ayahnya, "Wahai ayah kami, sesungguhnya kami pergi berlumba-lumba dan kami tinggalkan Yusuf di dekat barang-barangkami, lalu dia dimakan serigala." Setelah kedustaan terungkap, Yusuf berkata kepada mereka, "tak ada cercaan terhadap kamu semua." Dan ayah mereka Ya'qub berkata, "Aku akan memohonkan ampun bagi muka pada Rabbku. Sesungguhnya Dia-lah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang ." (Yusuf:98) -Sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah namun tidak Dia sukai adalah suara Keldai. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Sesungguhnya sejelek-jelek suara adalah suara keldai." (Luqman: 19). -Makhluk yang diciptakan Allah tanpa bapa dan ibu adalah Nabi Adam, Malaikat, Unta Nabi Shalih dan Kambing Nabi Ibrahim. -Makhluk yang diciptakan dari api adalah Iblis, yang diazab dengan api ialah Abu Jahal dan yang terpelihara dari api adalah Nabi Ibrahim. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Wahai api dinginlah dan selamatkan Ibrahim." (Al-Anbiya': 69). -Makhluk yang terbuat dari batu adalah Unta Nabi Shalih, yang diazab dengan batu adalah tentara bergajah dan yang terpelihara dari batu adalah Ashabul Kahfi (penghuni gua). -Sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dan dianggap perkara besar adalah tipu daya wanita, sebagaimana firman Allah s.w.t. "Sesungguhnya tipu daya kaum wanita itu sangatlah besar." (Yusuf: 28). -Adapun pohon yang memiliki 12 ranting setiap ranting mempunyai 30 daun, setiap daun mempunyai 5 buah, 3 di bawah teduhan dan dua di bawah sinaran matahari maknanya: Pohon adalah Tahun, Ranting adalah Bulan, Daun adalah Hari dan Buahnya adalah Solat yang lima waktu, Tiga dikerjakan di malam hari dan Dua di siang hari.
Paderi dan para hadirin merasa takjub mendengar jawapan pemuda Muslim tersebut. Kemudian dia pun mula hendak pergi. Namun dia mengurungkan niatnya dan meminta kepada paderi agar menjawab satu pertanyaan saja. Permintaan ini disetujui oleh paderi. Pemuda ini berkata, "Apakah kunci syurga itu?" mendengar pertanyaan itu lidah paderi menjadi kelu, hatinya diselimuti keraguan dan rupa wajahnya pun berubah. Dia berusaha menyembunyikan kebimbangannya, namun tidak berhasil. Orang-orang yang hadir di gereja itu terus mendesaknya agar menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, namun dia cuba mengelak. Mereka berkata, "Anda telah melontarkan 22 pertanyaan kepadanya dan semuanya dia jawab, sementara dia hanya memberi cuma satu pertanyaan namun anda tidak mampu menjawabnya!" Paderi tersebut berkata, "Sesungguh aku tahu jawapannya, namun aku takut kalian marah." Mereka menjawab, "Kami akan jamin keselamatan anda." Paderi pun berkata, "Jawapannya ialah: Asyhadu An La Ilaha Illallah Wa Wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rasulullah." Lantas paderi dan orang-orang yang hadir di gereja itu terus memeluk agama Islam. Sungguh Allah telah menganugerahkan kebaikan dan menjaga mereka dengan Islam melalui tangan seorang pemuda Muslim yang bertakwa.

(Di petik dari Mausu'ah al-Qishash al-Waqi'ah)

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Law 1: Respect

The first law in developing effective communication is the attitude that respects each individual targeted messages that we submit.
Respect and mutual respect is the law in the first we communicate with others. Remember that, in principle, people want to be valued and considered important. If we even have to criticize or rebuke someone, do with full respect for self and pride someone. If we build communication with the feeling and attitude of respect and mutual respect, then we can build a partnership that resulted in a synergy that will improve the effectiveness of our performance both as individuals and as a whole as a team.

Law 2: Empathy
Our empathy is the ability to place ourselves in situations or conditions that faced by other people.One of the main prerequisites in attitude have empathy is the ability to listen to us or understand first before heard or understood by other people.
(First Seek to Understand-understand then be understood to build the skills of empathetic listening that inspires openness and trust). This is Communication with Empathic. By understanding and listening to other people first, we can build trust and openness that we need to build in cooperation or synergy with other people.
Similarly with other forms of communication, such as cooperation in building a communications team. We need to understand each other and understand the existence of other people in our team. Sense of empathy or respect will cause the award, and the feeling of respect will build trust which is a key element in building teamwork.

Law 3: Audible
Audible can be heard or understood correctly. If empathy means we must listen first and be able to receive feedback with the good, the audible message means that we can submit the message received by the recipient. This law says that the message must be delivered through the media or delivery channels such to be well received by the recipient of the message.This law refers to our ability to use various media and equipment, or audio visual aids that will help us in order to submit a message that we be well received. Personal communication in this case means that the message was delivered in a manner or attitude that can be received by the recipient of the message.

Law 4: Clarity
Apart from that the message must be understood well, the law related to the fourth is the clarity of the message itself so it does not cause multiple or different interpretations of the different. When I worked in the Secretariat of State, this law is the most prepared in the main correspondence high level. Because of errors or messages that can cause a variety of treatment will not impact that simple.
Clarity can also mean that openness and transparency. In communicating we need to develop open attitude (not that there is covered or hidden), so that may cause confidence (trust) of the message recipient or a member of our team. Because without scrutiny akan arise mutually suspicious attitude and in turn will reduce the spirit and enthusiasm our group or team.

Law 5: Humble
Fifth in the law effective communication is a humble attitude. This attitude is the element associated with the first law to build a sense of respect for others, usually based on low attitude heart that we have. In edition 32 Mandiri Lowest attitude we had heart, which essentially are: the attitude of (in marketing Customer First Attitude), appreciate the attitude, want to hear and accept criticism, and not arrogant disdain of others, acknowledge the mistake, forgive willing, gentle and full of self-control, and the interest of the greater.
If we wake up the communication is based on five basic law of communication is effective, then we can be a powerful and communicator which in turn can build network relationships with other people who are full of appreciation (respect), because this is who can build long-term relationship mutual benefit and reinforce each other.

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Currently various media campaigns are disappearing on against Islam and Muslims. Mainly western media with significant financial resources and multiple channels try to illustrate a rough picture of Islam to their public. At the same time Muslim groups through a variety of media outlets attempt to transmit their messages, but in comparison to the global dominance of western media, their efforts are somehow vain. As a result, messages lead to nowhere and disappear in air. Most western media, especially after the September 11 use this event to capitalize political gain. These media depict Islam as "fundamentalism", "extremism" and "radicalism". Of course in the post-modern world, where the role of media is central, the image of reality becomes more real than the reality. These media have tried to represent Muslims as "terrorists" who violate women's rights and pose a threat to western security. By doing so, they try to justify the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. In recent decades, this approach has led to emergence of "Islam phobia". However, little effort has been made to respond to these negative campaigns. On the contrary, the performance of terrorist groups who kill people, especially western hostages, help their media to show that they are victims of terrorism. This paper is an attempt to explore the image of Islam in western mass media after September 9/11.French channels (Tv5, france24) are used as the data source of this study.

When we compared modern media with the Islamic media we see that it is not representing Islam. Know day's media is so much influenced by the western media that they are neglecting their own values, culture and norms. Currently the basic aim of the media organization is to earn as much as they can without taking care of the content of their program. Previously we saw that the media pays much more attention to the content and they showed in their dramas our culture, norms and our Islamic values but recently they paid no attention to these things and design program inspired by others culture due to which society is facing problems. We see these days the respect of Parents and others are diminishing and Social problems are on rise. It is the responsibility of a media as a social institution that it should plan programs in such a way that they can educate the people regarding their own culture, norms and values because nowadays people spend more time in watching television rather than spending time with their families. So media can play a positive role in transmitting the cultures and values to the masses regarding their religion.

Beside that, the western media make the stereotyping in movie, TV show, cartoons and other media type. They produce the cartoonist and describe a Muslim is a guy in a funny headdress. They also create caricatures of Prophet Muhammad which is so damaged the image of Islam. They produce some material to media without survey or evaluate the value of Islam. They did not take serious and respect the Islamic religion because they think Islam is bad religious.Much Western literature and popular culture has portrayed Arabs and Muslims negatively over the past 200 years. This has occurred in the absence of really positive and hopeful and accurate images of Muslims that include everyday people but also heroes, people who are extraordinary people.

Most people’s perceptions of Islam and Muslims in Europe and the US are shaped by media coverage. The media has been slow to cover ordinary Muslims and Islamic culture, preferring to show graphic images of fiery imams, gun toting militants, and anti-American demonstrations, with emotions and actions taken in the name of Islam. “If it bleeds, it leads”. News directors will lead news coverage with terror attacks, anti-American demonstrations, and hostage images to shock and engage jaded viewers. The absence of a countering view contributes to the selecting of these stereotypes and people start to believe them.

The perception of Muslims and Islam varies by country, ethnic group, and whether theDiscussion is about Muslims as individuals or Islam as a political movement. The majority of people in the US and Europe have a favorable opinion of Muslims as individuals, as neighbors, friends and work colleagues. But in a politicized context, Muslims and Islam are viewed mostly negatively, especially those of Arab descent. Common stereotypes include a terrorist, anti-American, religious zealot, using Islam to justify militant extremism, Anti-modern, Anti-women rights, Anti-democracy Shady rich, and oil sheik.

But what ever way, the media looks at the issue; the journalists have to keep in mind that their actions have profound effects on public’s perception of Islam and the whole process of integration. A small part of the media world is critical of the way, mainstream media handles the issues relating to ethnic minorities, especially people of Muslim faith.In May 2004,journalists at the Daily Express in UK did refuse to write anti a sylum seekers stories against the will of the editors, the journalists at the Danish newspaper Politiken, have standing order to refrain from using the derogatory words about Islam, the top management at the International federation of Journalists in Brussels has cooperated in holding press meetings to talk about media and minority issues. Many journalist unions in EU have established codes of conduct and diverse ethnic relations committees to raise awareness among its members.

The portrayal of Arabs and Muslims varies by media type but it is typically stereotypical and negative, although improving especially in certain prestigious news organizations. Terrorism, anti-Americanism and the Iraq occupation dominate TV news coverage of the Middle East. There is an expression in the US about TV news: “If it bleeds, it leads.” News directors will lead news coverage with terror attacks, anti- American demonstrations, and hostage images to shock and engage jaded viewers. In American movies, stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims have been common for 50 years.

In the majority of movies that include an Arab character, it is a negative portrayal. Arabs are Terrorists, bumbling wide-eyed extremists, rich businessmen sheiks, or crass neighbors and undesirable outsiders. In some cases in TV shows, they are depicted as seemingly ordinary citizens but in quiet terrorist sleeper cells, waiting for an order to strike or sabotage on American soil. In the past 30 years of thousands of TV show series, there have been less than 10 characters who have been Arab-Americans. In print, stereotypes are not so obvious, except in cartoon caricatures, but they still occur and anti-Muslim bias is more insidious. The terms Islamic or Muslim are linked to extremism militant, jihads as if they belonged together inextricably and naturally (Muslim extremist, Islamic terror, Islamic war, Muslim time bomb). In many cases, the press talks and writes about Muslims in ways that would not be acceptable if the reference were to Jewish, black or fundamentalist Christians.

For solve this problem, first and foremost there must be a consensus across the board between American Muslims and European Muslims as to what the problems are and what best to do to affect change. There is a real need to communicate a more balanced view of Islam in the West. Western media organizations must see normal Muslims in everyday life, as professionals, educators, parents, community leaders and participants. Heroic and human interest stories featuring American, British and French Muslims must increase. American and European Muslims must become more active in the media as professionals (cameramen, journalists, editors, broadcasters). Muslims must call and write their local media when they see or hear invalid or bias reporting and shows. Beside that, Sulaiman Nyang, the director of MAPS (Muslim in American Public Square) ask how do you move from the basement to the ground floor to the penthouse”. So that, the image of Muslim in the west is tainting by the stereotyping which have became all too familiar. Time to time again these stereotyping are used to portray Muslim throughout the media because they are so recognizable.

Based on Nihad Awad, CAIR, explains “Newspapers, radio, television, all these venues are shaping the views and attitudes around the world. So it’s very important to have presence. Not to influence, not to control, not to have monopoly, but to be present, to be able to present it “The media for whatever reason is not interested in the moderate voice. It is important to create a balanced view in the media rather than continuing with the stereotypical portrayal of Muslims.” Salam Al Marayati Muslim Public Affairs Council feels “the media for whatever reason is not interested in the moderate voice.” It is important to create a balanced view in the media rather than continuing with the stereotypical portrayal of Muslims. The first thing to do according to Trevor Mostyn, Journalist, Expert of European Media Coverage, is “to always complain about bias coverage…to pick up the receiver and phone … it is a very important point…to telephone television and radio stations and complain about any sort of bias coverage and secondly to write letters to the press every time one feels something is being covered with a bias.” In addition to the above, Amir Husain of California State, feels that getting more Muslims involved on a grass roots level, such as, cameramen and writers could have a great impact. Depicting Muslims in day-to-day types of things will also help to eliminate the stereotypical images of Muslims being portrayed as terrorists. A good example of this came from The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) who launched a nationwide television and radio public service announcement (PSA) campaign, called "I am an American Muslim," designed to help reduce anti-Muslim discrimination and stereotyping. CAIR's 30 and 60-second PSAs feature American Muslims of European, African-American, Hispanic, and Native American heritage. Each person in the spots states how they and their families have served America and stereotyping heritage. Each person in the spots states how they and their families have served America and ends by saying, "I am an American Muslim." Nihad Awad, CAIR’s Executive Director, said the PSAs are a result of growing demand for accurate and objective information about Islam and Muslims in America.

As a solution all Muslim need unity themselves and then they will not assumed from western people as a terrorist and make a war to them. We as a Muslim should realize and the take it as a serious thing and not only look to one side but we need to look forward in this era. To fight with power of America or western people we as Muslim need to get a unity and follow the rules of Islam so that this will solve and the image of Islam in all over the world will change and the their assumption will be wrong. Our prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) also said as a Muslim we should not start the war and make the chaos between Muslim and the other people. When we face the war from other people that time we can fight with them. He did not want us as a Muslim start the war. It is because Islam did not like the war. It is because when the war happen, there are many people will killing and then the woman and children will face with the bad environments such as they will killing trough cruel and then the children they killing when they still life. It is cruel and sadness. So that, we need to prevent or avoid the war to happen to us as a Muslim. The media should realize their role and did not bias and they need to be balance as a medium to transmit the news. So that the media need the rule to avoid the misuse of role and then they will follow that rule. They also need to censorship their media either news or other material of media before they apply or transmit to public. It is because the public was sensitive when the media neither publish some issue which is nor true or invalid. The media need balance with Islamic people and western people because we live in on world and one unity. So that, the media and the public need to cooperate the make sure this problem will not happen and solve.

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01 – Hai anakku, Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya dunia ini bagaikan lautan yang dalam, banyak manusia yang karam ke dalamnya. Bila engkau ingin selamat agar tidak karam, layarilah lautan itu dengan SAMPAN yang bernama TAKWA, ISInya ialah IMAN dan LAYARnya adalah TAWAKKAL kepada ALLAH.

02 – Orang – orang yang sentiasa menyediakan dirinya untuk menerima nasihat, maka dirinya akan mendapat penjagaan dari ALLAH. Orang yang insaf dan sedar setelah menerima nasihat orang lain, dia akan sentiasa menerima kemuliaan dari ALLAH juga.

03 – Hai anakku, orang yang merasa dirinya hina dan rendah diri dalam beribadat dan taat kepada ALLAH, maka dia tawadduk kepada ALLAH, dia akan lebih dekat kepada ALLAH dan selalu berusaha menghindarkan maksiat kepada ALLAH.

04 – Hai anakku, seandainya ibu bapamu marah kepadamu kerana kesilapan yang dilakukanmu, maka marahnya ibu bapamu adalah bagaikan baja bagi tanam-tanaman.

05 – Jauhkan dirimu dari berhutang, kerana sesungguhnya berhutang itu boleh menjadikan dirimu hina di waktu siang dan gelisah di waktu malam.

06 – Dan selalulah berharap kepada ALLAH tentang sesuatu yang menyebabkan untuk tidak menderhakai ALLAH. Takutlah kepada ALLAH dengan sebenar benar takut (takwa), tentulah engkau akan terlepas dari sifat berputus asa dari rahmat ALLAH.

07 – Hai anakku, seorang pendusta akan lekas hilang air mukanya kerana tidak dipercayai orang dan seorang yang telah rosak akhlaknya akan sentiasa banyak melamunkan hal-hal yang tidak benar. Ketahuilah, memindahkan batu besar dari tempatnya semula itu lebih mudah daripada memberi pengertian kepada orang yang tidak mahu mengerti.

08 – Hai anakku, engkau telah merasakan betapa beratnya mengangkat batu besar dan besi yang amat berat, tetapi akan lebih lagi daripada semua itu adalah bilamana engkau mempunyai tetangga (jiran) yang jahat.

09 – Hai anakku, janganlah engkau mengirimkan orang yang bodoh sebagai utusan. Maka bila tidak ada orang yang cerdik, sebaiknya dirimulah saja yang layak menjadi utusan.

10 – Jauhilah bersifat dusta, sebab dusta itu mudah dilakukan, bagaikan memakan daging burung, padahal sedikit sahaja berdusta itu telah memberikan akibat yang berbahaya.

11 – Hai anakku, bila engkau mempunyai dua pilihan, takziah orang mati atau hadir majlis perkahwinan, pilihlah untuk menziarahi orang mati, sebab ianya akan mengingatkanmu kepada kampung akhirat sedangkan menghadiri pesta perkahwinan hanya mengingatkan dirimu kepada kesenangan duniawi sahaja.

12 – Janganlah engkau makan sampai kenyang yang berlebihan, kerana sesungguhnya makan yang terlalu kenyang itu adalah lebih baiknya bila makanan itu diberikan kepada anjing sahaja.

13 – Hai anakku, janganlah engkau langsung menelan sahaja kerana manisnya barang dan janganlah langsung memuntahkan saja pahitnya sesuatu barang itu, kerana manis belum tentu menimbulkan kesegaran dan pahit itu belum tentu menimbulkan kesengsaraan.

14 – Makanlah makananmu bersama-sama dengan orang orang yang takwa dan musyawarahlah urusanmu dengan para alim ulamak dengan cara meminta nasihat dari mereka.

15 – Hai anakku, bukanlah satu kebaikan namanya bilamana engkau selalu mencari ilmu tetapi engkau tidak pernah mengamalkannya. Hal itu tidak ubah bagaikan orang yang mencari kayu bakar, maka setelah banyak ia tidak mampu memikulnya, padahal ia masih mahu menambahkannya.

16 – Hai anakku, bilamana engkau mahu mencari kawan sejati, maka ujilah terlebih dahulu dengan berpura-pura membuat dia marah. Bilamana dalam kemarahan itu dia masih berusaha menginsafkan kamu, maka bolehlah engkau mengambil dia sebagai kawan. Bila tidak demikian, maka berhati-hatilah.

17 – Selalulah baik tutur kata dan halus budi bahasamu serta manis wajahmu, dengan demikian engkau akan disukai orang melebihi sukanya seseorang terhadap orang lain yang pernah memberikan barang yang berharga.

18 – Hai anakku, bila engkau berteman, tempatkanlah dirimu padanya sebagai orang yang tidak mengharapkan sesuatu daripadanya. Namun biarkanlah dia yang mengharapkan sesuatu darimu.

19 – Jadikanlah dirimu dalam segala tingkahlaku sebagai orang yang tidak ingin menerima pujian atau mengharap sanjungan orang lain kerana itu adalah sifat riya' yang akan mendatangkan cela pada dirimu.

20 – Hai anakku, janganlah engkau condong kepada urusan dunia dan hatimu selalu disusahkan olah dunia saja kerana engkau diciptakan ALLAH bukanlah untuk dunia sahaja. Sesungguhnya tiada makhluk yang lebih hina daripada orang yang terpedaya dengan dunianya.

21 – Hai anakku, usahakanlah agar mulutmu jangan mengeluarkan kata-kata yang busuk dan kotor serta kasar, kerana engkau akan lebih selamat bila berdiam diri. Kalau berbicara, usahakanlah agar bicaramu mendatangkan manfaat bagi orang lain.

22 – Hai anakku, janganlah engkau mudah ketawa kalau bukan kerana sesuatu yang menggelikan, janganlah engkau berjalan tanpa tujuan yang pasti, janganlah engkau bertanya sesuatu yang tidak ada guna bagimu, janganlah mensia-siakan hartamu.

23 – Barang siapa yang penyayang tentu akan disayangi, sesiapa yang pendiam akan selamat daripada berkata yang mengandungi racun, dan sesiapa yang tidak dapat menahan lidahnya dari berkata kotor tentu akan menyesal.

24 – Hai anakku, bergaullah rapat dengan orang yang alim lagi berilmu. Perhatikanlah kata nasihatnya kerana sesungguhnya sejuklah hati ini mendengarkan nasihatnya, hiduplah hati ini dengan cahaya hikmah dari mutiara kata-katanya bagaikan tanah yang subur lalu disirami air hujan.

25 – Hai anakku, ambillah harta dunia sekadar keperluanmu sahaja, dan nafkahkanlah yang selebihnya untuk bekalan akhiratmu. Jangan engkau tendang dunia ini ke keranjang atau bakul sampah kerana nanti engkau akan menjadi pengemis yang membuat beban orang lain. Sebaliknya janganlah engkau peluk dunia ini serta meneguk habis airnya kerana sesungguhnya yang engkau makan dan pakai itu adalah tanah belaka. Janganlah engkau bertemankan dengan orang yang bersifat talam dua muka, kelak akan membinasakan dirimu.

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I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird....i'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd...but don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed....but won't you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me

Up, up and away...away from me
It's all can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy...or anything...

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me
Inside me
Yeah, inside me
Inside of me

I'm only a man
In a funny red sheet
I'm only a man
Looking for a dream

I'm only a man
In a funny red sheet
And it's not easy, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...

Its not easy to be me

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Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved

Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved

All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But i never realised it
And now it’s too late
Forgive me

Now i’m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years i caused you pain
If only i could sleep in your arms again
Mother i’m lost without you

You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
If only i knew what i know today
Mother i’m lost without you

Ummahu, ummahu, ya ummi
Wa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummi
Ummuka, ummuka, ummuka ummuka
Qawlu rasulika
Fi qalbi, fi hulumiAnti ma’i ya ummi

Mother... mother... o my mother
How i long to see o mother
“your mother, your mother, your mother”
Is the saying of your prophet
In my heart, in my dreams
You are always with me mother

Ruhti wa taraktini
Ya nura ‘aynayya
Ya unsa layli
Ruhti wa taraktini
Man siwaki yahdhununi
Man siwaki yasturuniMan siwaki yahrusuni
‘afwaki ummi

You went and left me
O light of my eyes
O comfort of my nights
You went and left me
Who, other than you, will embrace me?
Who, other than you, will cover me?
Who, other than you, will guard over me?
Your pardon mother,
forgive me

Lyric: Yusoof Islam


يا أبي

أنت مؤمن صالح
صبرت في تربية أولادك
إذا كسلت لقراءة الكتب
فأنت راودت نفسي
فقلت أنّ المدرسة توجد إجازة
ولكن الكتب لم توجدها

يا أبي

أنت أشرت خلق الحسنة
في كل مكان وكل زمان
ونصحت عليّ إذا فعلت خطئا
وساعدت نفسي إذا عندي مسئلة
فقلت "لا تحزن، إنّ الله معنا"

يا أبي

قبل وفاتك
أعطيت الوصيّة إليّ
تحتاج أنّني أحفظ الصلاة
فعرفت أنّ الدين أهمّ من الآخرين

يا أبي

حزنت بعد عرفت موتك
وعلمت أنها هي اختبر من الله
فقبلتها بقلب واسع
وأدعو إلى الله
على سلامتك وسعادتك في الأخرة

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